Our Lodge Logo
The compass signifies the cardinal points in Freemasonry - East representing Wisdom; the West, Strength; the South; Beauty, and the North, Darkness. The color of the compass denotes the finished color of the vital metal, copper, which contributes to the economy of Arizona, particularly in Globe-Miami, which has been and is currently mined here and sent worldwide as various products.
Also, the color copper symbolizes caring, charisma, affection, creativity, and balance.
In 2023, the White Mountain #3 Lodge re-branded its logo. This new design incorporates the elements associated with where White Mountain #3 calls home, in Globe-Miami, AZ, as well as elements of our fraternity.
The color turquoise utilized in the logo is emblematic of the natural color of copper ore. Also, it pays tribute to the world-renowned turquoise once mined at the Sleeping Beauty Mine in Globe-Miami.
The color turquoise is also known to symbolize wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and loyalty.
The sunrise is displayed to showcase the beautiful sunrises seen in Globe-Miami. The scene also captures the sun “Rising in the East” to open and adorn the day.
The white, snow-capped mountains are symbolic of our nearby Pinal Mountains during winter.
The square and compass are present as reminders to "Square our actions and to circumscribe and keep us within bounds with all mankind".